The concise Bob Dylan: songbook for melody/voice/guitar/lyrics
von Bob (Zimmermann Dylan

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Informationen zu "The concise Bob Dylan: songbook for melody/voice/guitar/lyrics"

Komponist/Autor: Bob (Zimmermann Dylan
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM937200
EAN: 9780711957800
ISBN: 978-0-7119-5780-0


A hard rain's a-gonna fall

All along the watchower

All i really want to do

Ballad of hollis brown

Blowin' in the wind

Desolation row

Don't think twice, it's alright
Gotta searve somebody
I shall be released
I want you
I'll be your baby tonight
Idiot wind
Is your love in vain?
It ain't me, baby
It takes a lot to laugh it takes a train to cry
It's all right over now baby blue
It's alright ma (I'm only bleeding)
John wesley harding
Just like a woman

Knockin' on heaven's door

Lay lady lay

Like a rolling stone

Love minus zero

No limit

Maggie's farm

Mr tambourine man
One more cup of coffee (valley below)
Precoius angel
Quinn the eskimo (the mighty quinn)
Rainy day woman nos 12 & 35
Sad eyed lady of the lowlands
Shelter from the storm
Shot of love
Simple twist of fate
Song to woody
Stuck inside of mobile with the memphis blue aga
Tangled up in blue
The times they are a-changin'

When i paint my masterpiece

Bob dylan

The concise
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