The 50 Top Singles of all-Time: Songbook piano/voice/guitar

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Informationen zu "The 50 Top Singles of all-Time: Songbook piano/voice/guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM949531
EAN: 9780711973732
ISBN: 978-0-7119-7373-2


A whiter Shade of Pale

A Woman in Love

Against all Odds (Take a Look at me now)

Take a Look at me now

All right now

All you need is Love

Another Day in Paradise
Bridge over troubled Water
Brown eyed Girl
Candle in the Wind
Careless Whisper
Dancing Queen
Every Breath you take
Everything I do I do it for you
Good Vibrations
Hey Jude
I will aways love you
I will survive
If you leave me now


Just like starting over

Starting over

Just the two of us


Let it be

Like a Rolling Stone
Love me do
Mr. Tambourine Man
Mull of Kintyre
Night Fever
No Woman no Cry
One Moment in Time
Penny Lane
Sweet Dreams are made of this
Take my Breath away
Tears in Heaven
The best
The Power of Love

Think twice


Unchain my Heart

Unchained Melody


What can I do

Without you
Wonderful tonight
You can call me al
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