Rod Stewart: Selections from the great American Songbook vol.1-3 for piano/voice/guitar

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Informationen zu "Rod Stewart: Selections from the great American Songbook vol.1-3 for piano/voice/guitar"

Verlag: Warner Brothers
Verlagsnummer: 1843288311
EAN: 9781843288312
ISBN: 978-1-8432-8831-2
ISMN: M-57021-831-8


As time goes by
Baby it's cold outside
Blue moon
But not for me
Embraceable you
Ev'ry time we say goodbye
Every time we say goodbye
I love you for sentimental reasons
For sentimental reasons
I can't get started
I'm in the mood for love
It had to be you
Kiss to build a dream on
Night and day
A nightingale sang in Berkeley square
They can't take that away from me
The way you look tonight
What a wonderful wordl
You belong to me
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