The best of Rodgers and Hammerstein: for piano/vocal/guitar songbook
von Richard Rodgers

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Informationen zu "The best of Rodgers and Hammerstein: for piano/vocal/guitar songbook"

Komponist/Autor: Richard Rodgers
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLW00308210
EAN: 9990050770200
ISBN: 978-0-7935-2842-4


Bali ha'i

Climb ev'ry mountain

Do i love you because you're beautiful


Getting to know you

Hello, young lovers

I have dreamed
I whistle a happy tune
I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair
If i loved you
It might as well be spring
June is bustin' out all over
Love, look away
My favorite things
No other love
Oh waht a beautiful morning
People will say we're in love
Some enchanted evening
The sound of music

The surry with the fringe on top

There is nothin like a dame

This nearly was mine

You are never away

You'll never walk alone

Younger than springtime
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