The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano Songbook

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Informationen zu "The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano Songbook"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00361074
EAN: 9780881885484
ISBN: 978-0-88188-548-4


Everybody says don't


C'est moi

How to handle a Woman

If ever I would leave you

If I loved you

Do I love you because you're beautiful?
Try to remember
The Road you didn't take
Were thine that special Face
Where is the Life that late I led?
September Song
Lost the Stars
Thousands of Miles
This is the Life
The impossible Dream
The Man of la Mancha (I, Don Quixote)
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The Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano SongbookThe Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano SongbookThe Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano SongbookThe Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano SongbookThe Singer's Musical Theatre Anthology vol.1: for bariton/bass and piano Songbook