The concise Bob Marley: Songbook melody line/guitar/lyrics
von Bob Marley

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Informationen zu "The concise Bob Marley: Songbook melody line/guitar/lyrics"

Komponist/Autor: Bob Marley
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM932030
EAN: 9780711951990
ISBN: 978-0-7119-5199-0


Africa nite

Belly full (them belly but we hungry)

Buffalo Soldier

Coming in from the cold

Concrete Jungle

Could you be loved

Easy Skanking
Get up stand up
Guava Jelly
I shot the Sheriff
I'm hurting inside
I'm still waiting
Iron Lion Zion
Is this Love
Lick Samba
Lively up yourself
Mellow Mood
Natural Mystic

Nice Time

No Woman no Cry

One Love

Please don't rock my Boat

Redemption Song

Small Axe

So much Trouble in the World
Soul Rebel
Stir it up
Sun is shining
Thank you Lord
Tree little Birds
Waiting in Vain
Who the cap fit
Why should I?
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