Informationen zu "National Anthems from around the world for piano, vocal and guitar Songbook"
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311633
EAN: 9780793560790
ISBN: 978-0-7935-6079-0
Advamce australia fair (Australia)
Land der berge, land am strome (Austria)
March on bahamaland (Bahamas)
In plenty and in time of need
O land of the free (Belize)
Bolivianos el hado propicio (Bolivia)
Ouviram do ipirangas as morgens placidas (Brazil
O canada (Canada)
Puro chile es tu cielo azulado (Chile)
Oh gloria inmarcesible! (Columbia)
Noble patria (Costa Rica)
La bayamesa (Cuba)
Kde domov muj (Czech Republic)
Quisqueyanos valientes, alcemos (Dominican Rep.)
Salve, oh patria, mil veces! (Ecuador)
Saludemos la patria orgullosos (el Salvador)
Mu isamaa, mu onn ja room (Estonia)
Maamme (Finnland)
La marseillaise (France)
Einigkeit und recht und freiheit (Germany)
God save the queen (Great Britain)
Segnorizo apo tin kopsi (Greece)