The Essential Johnny Cash: songbook piano/vocal/guitar
von Johnny Cash

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Informationen zu "The Essential Johnny Cash: songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Johnny Cash
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00306147
EAN: 9780793575831
ISBN: 978-0-7935-7583-1


After the Ball

All over again

Bad News

Ballad of a Teenage Queen

Ballad of ira Hayes

The big Battle

Big River
A Boy named Sue
Come in Stranger
Cry cry cry
Daddy sang Bass
Dark as a Dungeon
Don't take your Guns to Town
Five Feet high and rising
Flesh and Blood
Folsom Prison Blues
Frankie's Man Johnny
Give my love to Rose
Guess things happen that Way

Hey Porter

I got Stripes

I walk the Line

I will rock and roll with you


The last Time

Luther's Boogie
The Man in black
Nne Piece at a Time
Orange Blossom Special
The Rebel Johnny yuma
Ghost Riders in the Sky
Ring of Fire
Singin' in Vietnam talkin' Blues =
Bring the Boys back home
So doggone lonesome
Sunday Mornin' comin' down
Tennessee flat Top Box
Understand your Man

What do i care

what is truth

without love
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