The Christmas Piano Songbook piano/vocal/guitar songbook

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Informationen zu "The Christmas Piano Songbook piano/vocal/guitar songbook"

Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 0571535631
EAN: 9780571535637
ISBN: 978-0-571-53563-7


Blue Christmas
Carol of the Bells
Christmas Song
Christmas Time is here
Christmas won't be the same this year
Do they know it's christmas
Driving home for christmas
Frosty the Snowman
Havwe yourself a merry little Christmas
Here comes Santa Claus
I wish it could be Christmas every day
I'll be home for Christmas
Last christmas
Let it snow
The little drummer boy
Merry christmas everyone
O holy night
Rockin' around the Christmas Tree
Santa Baby
Santa Claus is comin'to town
Silent night
Sleigh ride
Step into the Christmas
What are you doing new years Eve
What Christmas means to me
White christmas
Winter Wonderland
Wish you a merry Christmas
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