The ultimate Christian Wedding Music Kit (+CD): songbook piano/vocal/guitar

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Informationen zu "The ultimate Christian Wedding Music Kit (+CD): songbook piano/vocal/guitar"

Verlag: Shawnee Press
Verlagsnummer: SPSB1053
EAN: 9781592352517


Amazing Grace
Bridal March (Wagner)
Butterfly Kisses
By Heart by Soul
Close to thee
Go there with you
God causes all the things to grow
Holding Hands
Household of Faith
How Beautiful
I could sing of your Love forever
I will be here
If you could see what I see
In remembrance of me
Love will be our Home
Morning has broken
Parent's Prayer (Let go ot two)
The King of Love my Shepherd is
This Flame
Til the End of Time
We will dance
Wedding March (Mendelssohn)
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