101 3-Chord Children's Songs: for guitar (banjo/ukulele)

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Informationen zu "101 3-Chord Children's Songs: for guitar (banjo/ukulele)"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB21279
EAN: 9780786677108
ISBN: 978-0-7866-7710-8


McCabe, Larry, ed
A-Tiskit, A-Tasket
Alphabet Song, The
Animal Fair, The
Baa! Baa! Black Sheep
Big Rock Candy Mountain, The
Black-Eyed Susie
Bold Fisherman, The
Brother John (Frere Jacques)
Chime Again, Beautiful Bells
Comin' Thru the Rye
Cowboy's Dream, The
Cuckoo, The
Fairy Ship, The
Farmer in the Dell, The
Farmer, The
Fox, The
Free Little Bird
Froggie Went a-Courtin'
German Cradle Song
Glendy Burk, The
Goober Peas
Goodnight, Ladies
Green Corn
Green Grass Grew All Around
Home, Home, How Can I Forget Thee?
How Old Are You?
Humpty Dumpty
Hunter's Song
I'm Going to Leave Old Texas
It's Raining, It's Pouring
Jennny Jenkins
Jenny Jones
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
Johnny Get Your Haircut
King of France, The
Lavender's Blue
Lazy Mary
Lightly Row
Listen to the Mockingbird
Little Lamb, The
Little Old Sod Shanty, The
London Bridge
Looby Loo
Mama Don't Allow
Mary Wore Her Red Dress
Muffin Man, The
Mulberry Bush, The
Nelly Bly
Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow
Oh! Susanna
Old Abe Lincoln Came Out of the Wilderness
Old Blue
Old Chisolm Trail, The
Old Dan Tucker
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Old Rattler
Old Smoky
Over the River and Through the Woods
Paper of Pins
Pick a Bale of Cotton
Pine Tree, The
Polly Wolly Doodle
Polly, Put the Kettle On
Pretty Little Girl with a Red Dress On
Railroad Bill
Reuben and Rachel
Riddle Song, The
Ring Around a Rosy
Robinson Crusoe
Rock That Cradle, Lucy
Rock-A-Bye Baby (A. Getty)
Rock-A-Bye Baby (E. Canning)
Round and Round the Village
Sally Go 'Round the Sun
Sally Goodin
Sandy Land
Shoo Fly
Short'nin' Bread
Sing a Song of Sixpence
Sing Song Kitty
Sleep, Baby, Sleep!
Sleep, Sleep, My Darling (French Lullaby)
Slumber Song
Soldier, Soldier, Will You Marry Me?
Sow Took the Measles, The
Suzanna Gal
Ten Little Kangaroos
The Itsy-Bitsy Spider
There's Music in the Air
Three Little Kittens
Three Sight-Challenged Mice
Welcome to Spring
What Can The Matter Be?
When I Was a Lady
Winter Waltz
Ye Maids of Helston
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