Kids' Musical Theatre Anthology (+CD): for voice and piano
von Catherine Rollin

27,95 €
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Informationen zu "Kids' Musical Theatre Anthology (+CD): for voice and piano"

Komponist/Autor: Catherine Rollin
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF31373
EAN: 9780739055717
ISBN: 978-0-7390-5571-7


DeSpain, Lisa, ed.
A Treasury of Songs from Stage & Film specially designed for young Singer
All I do is dream of you
Alone in the Universe
Be kind to your Parents
Big blue World
Consider Yourself
Doll on a Music Box Truly Scrumptious
The Girl mean to be
Good Morning
Green Eggs and Ham
I gotta Crow
I just can't wait to be King
I want it now
It's possible
Johnny one Note
Part of your World
Pure Imagination
When I get my Name in Lights
Wouldn't it be lovely
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