Guitar Hero vol.3: Legends of Rock songbook vocal/guitar/tab Recorded Versions

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Informationen zu "Guitar Hero vol.3: Legends of Rock songbook vocal/guitar/tab Recorded Versions"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLE90003694
EAN: 9781847727909
ISBN: 978-1-8477-2790-9


from Guitar Hero Computers Game Series
Anarchy in the U.K.
Cherub Rock
Cities on Flame with Rock'n'Roll
Cliffs of Dover
Cult of Personality
The Devil went down to Georgia
Even flow
Hit me with your best Shot
Holiday in Cambodia
La Grange
Mississippi Queen
My Name is Jonas
The Number of the Beast
Pride and Joy
Raining Blood
Rock and Roll all Nite
Rock You like a Hurricane
Same old Song and Dance
School's out
The Seeker
Story of my Life
Suck my Kiss
Sunshine of your Love
When You were young
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