Sondheim for Singers: for belter/mezzo soprano and piano score
von Stephen Sondheim

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Informationen zu "Sondheim for Singers: for belter/mezzo soprano and piano score"

Komponist/Autor: Stephen Sondheim
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00124180
EAN: 9781480367159
ISBN: 978-1-480-36715-9


45 Songs from Shows and Films in original Keys
Another Hundred People (from COMPANY)
Anyone Can Whistle (from ANYONE CAN WHISTLE)
Being Alive (from COMPANY)
Broadway Baby (from FOLLIES)
Can That Boy Foxtrot! (from FOLLIES)
Children Will Listen (from INTO THE WOODS)
Could I Leave You? (from FOLLIES)
Do I Hear A Waltz? (from the unproduced TV Musical DO YOU HEAR A WALTZ?)
Everybody Loves Louis (from SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE)
Everybody Says Don't (from ANYONE CAN WHISTLE)
Fear No More (from THE FROGS)
Getting Married Today (from COMPANY)
Good Thing Going (from MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG)
I Never Do Anything Twice (from THE SEVEN PERCENT SOLUTION)
I Read (from PASSION)
I Wish I Could Forget You (from PASSION)
I'm Still Here (from FOLLIES)
I've Got You To Lean On (from ANYONE CAN WHISTLE)
In Buddy's Eyes (from FOLLIES)
The Ladies Who Lunch (from COMPANY)
Liaisons (from A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC)
Like It Was
Losing My Mind (from FOLLIES)
Loving You (from PASSION)
The Miller's Son (from A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC)
Moments In The Woods (Film Version) (from INTO THE WOODS)
More (from the Film DICK TRACY)
No One Is Alone - Part I (from INTO THE WOODS)
Not A Day Goes By (from MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG)
Not While I'm Around (from SWEENEY TODD)
Old Friends (from MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG)
Putting It Together (from SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE)
See What It Gets You
Send In The Clowns (from the Musical A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC)
So Many People (from SATURDAY NIGHT)
Sooner Or Later (I Always Get My Man) (from the Film DICK TRACY)
The Story Of Lucy And Jessie (from FOLLIES)
Take Me To The World (from The TV Production EVENING PRIMROSE)
There Won't Be Trumpets (from ANYONE CAN WHISTLE)
Truly Content
Uptown, Downtown (from FOLLIES)
Wait (from SWEENEY TODD)
What More Do I Need? (from SATURDAY NIGHT)
With So Little To Be Sure Of (from ANYONE CAN WHISTLE)
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