Sondheim for Singers for tenor and piano
von Stephen Sondheim

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Informationen zu "Sondheim for Singers for tenor and piano"

Komponist/Autor: Stephen Sondheim
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00124181
EAN: 9781480367166
ISBN: 978-1-480-36716-6


39 Songs from Shows and Films:

1. Old friends
2. Loving you
3. If You Can Find Me, I'm Here
4. That Old Piano Roll
5. Anyone Can Whistle
6. Not A Day Goes By
7. Later
8. Beautiful Girls
9. Being Alive
10. Buddy's Blues (The God-Why-Don't-You-Love-Me Blues)
11. The Contest
12. Children Will Listen
13. Multitudes Of Amys
14. Lesson #8
15. Fear No More
16. They Ask Me Why I Believe In You
17. All Aboard!
18. Everybody Says Don't
19. Finishing The Hat
20. Giants In The Sky
21. Good Thing Going
22. I'm Calm
23. Johanna
24. Ladies In Their Sensitivities
25. Live Alone And Like It
26. Losing My Mind
27. Love, I Hear
28. Make The Most Of Your Music (1987)
29. Marry Me A Little
30. No One Is Alone - Part I
31. Not While I'm Around
32. Pretty Women
33. Putting It Together
34. The Right Girl
35. Send In The Clowns
36. Someone Is Waiting
37. Sorry - Grateful
38. What Can You Lose
39. With So Little To Be Sure Of
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