The best of Lerner and Loewe: Songbook piano/voice/guitar

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Informationen zu "The best of Lerner and Loewe: Songbook piano/voice/guitar "

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00312240
EAN: 9780793582457
ISBN: 978-0-7935-8245-7



Almost like being in love


From this Day on

The Heather on the Hill

There but for you go I

C'est moi
How to handle a Woman
I loved you once in Silence
If ever I would leave you
The simple Joys of Maidenhood
I remember it well
I'm glad I'm not young anymore
The Night they invented Champagne
Thank Heaven for little Girls
My fair Lady:

Get me to the Church on Time

I could have danced all Night

On the Street where you live

The Rain in Spain

Show me

With a little Bit of Luck

Wouldn't it be loverly
Paint your Wagon:
I still see Elisa
I talk to the Trees
I'm on my Way
They Call the Wind Maria
Wand'rin' Star
28 favorites from
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