The best of acoustic guitar (+CD): a step-by-step breakdown of styles and techniques from the 60s through the 90s

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Informationen zu "The best of acoustic guitar (+CD): a step-by-step breakdown of styles and techniques from the 60s through the 90s"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00695640
EAN: 9780634031397
ISBN: 978-0-634-03139-7


Angie (Rolling Stones)
Blackbird (The Beatles)
Dust in the wind (Kansas)
Fire and rain (James Taylor)
Ice cream man (Van Halen)
Layla (Eric Clapton)
The magic bus (The Who)
Melissa (The Allman Brothers Band)
Norwegian wood (The Beatles)
Patience (Guns n' Roses)
Silent lucidity (Queensryche)
Space oddity (David Bowie)
Tears in Heaven (Clapton)
To be with you (Mr. Big)
Guitar signature licks series
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