Beginning fingerstyle guitar (+CD): The complete fingerstyle guitar method
von Lou Manzi

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Informationen zu "Beginning fingerstyle guitar (+CD): The complete fingerstyle guitar method"

Komponist/Autor: Lou Manzi
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: ALF14099
EAN: 9780739009550
ISBN: 978-0-7390-0955-0


The ultimate guide to beginning fingerstyle guitar
Lou Manzi
Manzi, lou

If you've been inspired to begin playing fingerstyle guitar or are an
experienced player wanting to enhance your knowledge, this book is the
perfect place to start. Using standard music notation and TAB, the examples
guide you through basic chord theory, modes, drop-D tuning, alternating bass
and more. The online audio and video provide lessons and demonstrations of
the examples in the book. 96 pages.
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