B. B. King: anthology for guitar with tablature, notes, chords and lyrics
von B.B. King

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Informationen zu "B. B. King: anthology for guitar with tablature, notes, chords and lyrics"

Komponist/Autor: B.B. King
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00690492
EAN: 9780634030581
ISBN: 978-0-634-03058-1


The definitive collection with
35 songs from 1950-2000
Ask me no questions
B.B. blues
B.B.'s boogie
Bad luck soul
Beautician blues
Chains and things
Cryin' won't help you
Don't answer the door
Everything I do is wrong
Five long years
Fools get wise
Get off my back woman
I want you so bad
It's my own fault darlin'
Just like a woman
King of guitar
King's special
Miss Martha King
A new way of driving
Paying the cost to be the boss
Please accept my love
Recession blues
Riding with the king
Rock me baby
She's dynamite
So excited
Sweet little angel
sweet sixteen
Three o'clock blues
The thrill is gone
Watch yourself
When your baby packs up and goes
You done lost your good thing now
You upset me baby
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