A scottish Legacy: scottish fiddle tunes for acoustic and slide guitar notes and tablature
von Ian Melrose

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Informationen zu "A scottish Legacy: scottish fiddle tunes for acoustic and slide guitar notes and tablature"

Komponist/Autor: Ian Melrose
Verlag: Acoustic Music Books/Ears Love Music Mus
Verlagsnummer: AMB1249
EAN: 4013429212493
ISBN: 978-3-931453-63-3
ISMN: M-700070-59-5


Mrs. McLeod
Mairi Bhan Og
The Auld Brig O'Don
Andrew Carr
Huntingtone Castle
The Music O'Spey
The Mathematician
Braigh Loch Ihall
Lochaber No More
Bonnie Strathmore
The Miller O'Hirn
Farewell to Whisky
Niel Gow's Lament for the Death of his second Wife
Miss Dundas of Arniston
Prince Charlie
My Mither's Aye glowerin' owre Me
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