Exploring Jazz Guitar - artist transcriptions guitar
von Jim Hall

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Informationen zu "Exploring Jazz Guitar - artist transcriptions guitar"

Komponist/Autor: Jim Hall
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HLE00699306
EAN: 9780793503926
ISBN: 978-0-7935-0392-6



Magic Meeting

Self Expression

Preparation : mental

Preparation : physical


Careful - Explored
Music notation
All across the City
All across the City - explored
Preparing for a Record Date
Simple Samba
Something tells me
Something tells me - explored
Solo Sonstruction - some random thoughts
Some Random Thoughts
Big Blues - explored
Waltz new
Waltz new - explored
Chorale and Dance

Chorale and Dance - explored

Rhythm Guitar


Three - explored

Cross Court

Cross Court - explored

Preparation : village vanguard
Village Vanguard
Jane - explored
So... what else do you know?
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