Popular Songs for the classical Guitar 20 Evergreens of popular and Jazz Music arranged for the classical guitar

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Informationen zu "Popular Songs for the classical Guitar 20 Evergreens of popular and Jazz Music arranged for the classical guitar"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM963941
EAN: 9780711981591
ISBN: 978-0-7119-8159-1


Zaradin, John, arr.

A Night in Tunisia

All my Loving

And I love her


Eleanor Rigby

Falling in Love again
The first Time ever I saw your Face
Hawaii Five-O
It's a raggy Waltz
Killing me softly
Lover Man
Lullaby of Birdland
Midnight in Moscow
Petite fleur
Satin Doll
The Sound of Silence
Take Five

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