Smooth jazz guitar solos: 15 jazz standards superbly arranged for guitar tab, standard notation, chords
von Andy Jones

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Informationen zu "Smooth jazz guitar solos: 15 jazz standards superbly arranged for guitar tab, standard notation, chords"

Komponist/Autor: Andy Jones
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM967978
EAN: 9780711985568
ISBN: 978-0-7119-8556-8


Chelsea bridge

Fly me to the moon (In other words)

Here's that rainy day

Honeysuckle rose

I wanna be around

I'll remember april

I'm getting sentimental over you
Lazy river
Recado bossa nova (The gift)
Satin doll
Taking a chance on love
The girl from ipanema (Garota de ipanema)
The nearness of you
When sunny gets blue
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