Play Guitar with the Best of AC/DC (+Online Audio): vocal/guitar/tab songbook

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Informationen zu "Play Guitar with the Best of AC/DC (+Online Audio): vocal/guitar/tab songbook"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: HL14050046
EAN: 9781785582004
ISBN: 978-1-7855-8200-4


Replacement for 9781849381598
13 of their greatest Songs
Back in black
Dirty deads done dirt cheap
For those about to rock (We salute You)
Hells Bells
Highway to Hell
It's a long Wy to the Top (If You wanna rock'n'roll)
Let there be Rock
Rock and Roll ain't Noise Pollution
Rock'n'Roll Train
Whole lotta Rosie
You shook me all Night long
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