Acoustic Pop Guitar Band 2 (+Online Audio) Gitarrenschule mit 18 bekannten Popsongs
von Michael Langer

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Informationen zu "Acoustic Pop Guitar Band 2 (+Online Audio) Gitarrenschule mit 18 bekannten Popsongs"

Komponist/Autor: Michael Langer
Verlag: Edition Dux
Verlagsnummer: DUX871
EAN: 4031658008717
ISBN: 978-3-934958-43-2
ISMN: M-50017-055-6


Every Breath you take
Hotel California
Walking in Memphis
Killing me softly
Hey Joe
Teach your Children
Let it be
More than Words
Can't buy me Love
I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Games People play
What can I do
Don't worry be happy
Nobody knows You when You're down and out
Talkin' bout a Revolution
Both Sides now
If You could read my Mind
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