George Harrison: Anthology 24 greatest Hits for voice and guitar with tablature, notes and chords
von George Harrison

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Informationen zu "George Harrison: Anthology 24 greatest Hits for voice and guitar with tablature, notes and chords"

Komponist/Autor: George Harrison
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00694798
EAN: 9780793510887
ISBN: 978-0-7935-1088-7


All things must pass

All those years ago

Apple scruffs


Bangla desh

Blow away

Crackerbox palace
Dark horse
For you blue
Give me love (give me peace on earth)
Here comes the sun
I me mine
Isn't it a pity
My sweet lord
Savoy truffle
This song
Wah wah
Awake up my love

What is life

When we was fab

While my guitar gently weeps

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