The complete guitar player songbook vol.1: 12 great songs in easy-to-play arrangements

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Informationen zu "The complete guitar player songbook vol.1: 12 great songs in easy-to-play arrangements"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM972554
EAN: 9780711991767
ISBN: 978-0-7119-9176-7


Blowin' in the wind - (Bob Dylan)

Candle in the wind (Elton John)

Catch in the wind (Donovan)

Hey jude (the Beatles)

Love is all around (Wet wet wet)

Be and bobby mcgee (Kris Kristofferson)

Mr. tambourine man (Bob Dylan)
Mull of kintyre (Paul McCartney)
Scarborough fair (Simon and Garfunkel)
The times they are a-changin (Bob Dylan)
Why worry (Mark Knopfler)
Wonderful tonight (Eric Clapton)
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