Big Chart Hits: for voice and keyboard easiest keyboard collection

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Informationen zu "Big Chart Hits: for voice and keyboard easiest keyboard collection"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM972070
EAN: 9780711990869
ISBN: 978-0-7119-9086-9


Against all odds(Take a look at me now)

Black coffee

Can you feel the love tonight

Dancing in the moonlight

Deeper shade of blue

A design for life

Don't stop movin'
Give me a reason
Go let it out
I want it that way
I'm outta love
Keep on movin'
Life me up
A little respect
Mr writer
My love
No matter what
Nobody wants to be lonely

One for sorrow

Oops!... i did it again

Out of reach

Praise you

Pure and simple


The road to mandalay
Run for cover
Shining light
Show me the meaning of being lonely
Sing it back
So why so sad
That don't impress me much
This year's love

Walking away

What it feels like for a girl

What makes a man

What took you so long?

When you say nothing at all

Whole again

Big chart hitsa
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