Jazz Piano Basics vol.2 (+Online Audio) for easy piano
von Eric Baumgartner

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Informationen zu "Jazz Piano Basics vol.2 (+Online Audio) for easy piano"

Komponist/Autor: Eric Baumgartner
Verlag: Willis Music Company
Verlagsnummer: HL00234477
EAN: 9781495094965
ISBN: 978-1-495-09496-5


A Logical Method for Enhancing Your Jazzabilities
Book 2 of a two-volume series that presents the fundamentals of jazz in a
logical and accessible way, primarily through short progressive exercises.
Ideal for classically-trained pianists in traditional lessons who may be a
little cautious to learn jazz, as well as for players simply wishing to
expand their existing jazzabilities! Book 2 explores concepts in greater
depth and introduces the most important aspects of jazz theory in a style
that's easy to grasp. Also useful for pianists interested in participating in
a school jazz program. The online audio tracks are indispensable to the
series, in particular the fun and practical Q&A improv exercises. The book
features 7fully-fleshed original pieces: Jersey Jump · Beale Street Boogie ·
Bayou Blues · The Mississippi Magpie Rag · New Orleans Nocturne · South Side
Stomp · Monkin' the Blues.
1. Bayou Blues
2. Beale Street Boogie
3. Jersey Jump
4. Mississippi Magpie Rag
5. Monkin' The Blues (A Tribute To Thelonious)
6. New Orleans Nocturne
7. South Side Stomp
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