The Genius of Duke Ellington vol.1: Piano solos
von Duke Ellington

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Informationen zu "The Genius of Duke Ellington vol.1: Piano solos"

Komponist/Autor: Duke Ellington
Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: TPF0024
EAN: 9780769202907
ISBN: 978-0-7692-0290-7


Duke Ellington

Across the Tracks Blues

At Sundown


C Jam Blues

Concerto for Cootie

Do nothin' 'till you hear from me
Don't blame me
Don't get around much anymore
Four or five Times
I cried for you
I don't know what Kind of Blues I got
I got it bad and that ain't good
I'll see you in my Dreams
I'm nobody's Baby
In a mellow Tone
Mobile Bay
Morning Glory

On becoming a Square

A Portrait of Bert Williams

Rocks in my Bed

Serenade to Sweden

You are my lucky Star

You showed me the Way
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