Scottish Folk Piano (+CD): for piano

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Informationen zu "Scottish Folk Piano (+CD): for piano"

Verlag: Schott & Co Ltd. London
Verlagsnummer: ED13575
EAN: 9781847613226
ISBN: 978-1-8476-1322-6
ISMN: M-2201-3423-4


Carson Turner, Barrie, arr.
A Highland Lad My Love Was Born
Annie Laurie
Will Ye No Come Back Again
Ye Banks and Braes
Ay Waikin, O
Brochan Lom
The Calton Weaver
Castles in the Air
Charlie is My Darling
Comin' Thro' the Rye
Fareweel tae Tarwathie
Bonnie Dundee
Flow Gently, Sweet Afton
I Know Where I'm Going
Lewis Bridal Song
Loch Lomond
Lock the Door, Lariston
My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose
O Waly, Waly
Scots, Wha Hae
Skye Boat Song
The Blue Bells of Scotland
The Dashing White Sergeant
The Bonny Ship the Diamond
The Fairy Dance
The De'il Among the Tailors
The Soldier's Joy -The Meeting of the Waters
Wi' a Hundred Pipers an' a'
Auld Lang Syne
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