Thomas Fats Waller: The great solos 1929-1937 for piano solo
von Thomas Fats Waller

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Informationen zu "Thomas Fats Waller: The great solos 1929-1937 for piano solo"

Komponist/Autor: Thomas Fats Waller
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00672370
EAN: 9780793572793
ISBN: 978-0-7935-7279-3


Posnak, Paul, arr.
African Ripples
Ain't misbehavin
Alligator Crawl
Clothes Line Ballet
E-flat Blues
Handful of Keys
Honeysuckle Rose
I've got a feeling I'm falling
Keepin out of Mischief now
My Feelings are hurt
Numb Fumblin
Russian Fantasy
Smashing Thirds
Valentine Stomp
Viper's Drag
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