It's never too late to play Rock'n'Roll (+CD): for piano

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Informationen zu "It's never too late to play Rock'n'Roll (+CD): for piano"

Verlag: Faber Music Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: 057153371X
EAN: 9780571533718
ISBN: 978-0-571-53371-8


Wedgewood, P. und S., Bearb.
Hound Dog
Who's knocking at my Door
Blueberry Hill
On the Rebound
The green Door
Whole lotta shakin' goin' on
Rivermead Rock
Shake a Tailfeather
Can't help falling in Love
I hear You knockin'
Three Sheets to the Wind
Total Recall
Everybody needs Somebody to love
Coming Home
House of the rising Sun
Reet petite
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