Elvis: Greatest Hits Songbook for easy piano
von Elvis Aaron Presley

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Informationen zu "Elvis: Greatest Hits Songbook for easy piano"

Komponist/Autor: Elvis Aaron Presley
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00308205
EAN: 9780793527755
ISBN: 978-0-7935-2775-5


All shook up
Are You lonesome Tonight
A big Hunk o' Love
Blue Suede Shoes
Burning Love
Can't help falling in Love
Crying in the Chapel
Don't be cruel to a Heart that's true
A Fool such as I
Good luck Charm
Hard headed Woman
Heartbreak Hotel
Hound Dog
I want You I need You I love you
In the Ghetto
It's now or never
Jailhouse Rock
Love me Tender
Loving You
Return to Sender
Stuck on You
Suspicious Minds
Let me be your Teddy Bear
Too much
The Wonder of You
You'r the Devil in Disguise
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