It's easy to play Pub Songs: for piano
von Frank Booth

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Informationen zu "It's easy to play Pub Songs: for piano"

Komponist/Autor: Frank Booth
Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM69279
EAN: 9780711913622
ISBN: 978-0-7119-1362-2


Goodnight Sweetheart

Hold me

I ain't got nobody (and there's nobody cares )

I can't give you anything but Love

If I had my Way

Jolly good Company

Lambeth Walk
Leaning on a Lampost
On a slow Boat to China
One two drink up
Show me the Way to go home
Tennessee Waltz
The Hokey Cokey
The more we are together
There goes my everything
Underneath the Arches
We'll meet again
You always hurt the one you love
You are my Sunshine
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