50 popular Songs: really easy piano songbook piano (vocal/guitar)

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Informationen zu "50 popular Songs: really easy piano songbook piano (vocal/guitar)"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM994400
EAN: 9781847726254
ISBN: 978-1-8477-2625-4


Pop Songs to Classical Themes
Ain't no Sunshine
As Time goes by
Bleeding Love
Born to try
California Dreamin'
Can't help falling in Love
Circle of Life
Close every Door
Dancing Queen
Don't know why
Don't speak
Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Eye of the Tiger
Feather Theme
Glasgow Love Theme
God bless the Child
Half the World away
Happy Days
The Jeart asks Pleasure first
Hey Jude
Hit the Road Jack
I got You (I feel good)
I say a little Prayer
I should be so lucky
I will survive
Theme from Jurassic Park
Largo From the new World
Morning from Peer Gynt
Mothing compares U 2
Ode to Joy
On my Own
Oops .. I did it again
The Phantom of the Opera
Theme from Star Trek
Take the A Train
That's Life
A thousand Miles
The Tide is high
The Voice within
What a wonderful World
Who do You think You are
Who will buy
William Tell Ouverture
Your Song
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