The collected Piano Music of Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton
von Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton

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Informationen zu "The collected Piano Music of Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton"

Komponist/Autor: Ferdinand Jelly Roll Morton
Verlag: G. Schirmer Inc
Verlagsnummer: HL50335190
EAN: 9780874743517
ISBN: 978-0-87474-351-7


Dapogny, James, ed
New Orleans Blues

Grandpa's Spells

Wolverine Blues


Frog-i-more Rag

London Blues
Shreveport Stomp
Big Foot Ham
Tom Cat Blues
Stratford Hunch
Perfect Rag
Mr. Jelly Lord
Black Bottom Stomp
Billy Goat Stomp
Wild Man Blues
Cannonball Blues
Georgia Swing
Seattle Hunch


Dixie knows

Kansas City Stomp

Jelly Roll Blues

Fickle Fay Creep

Jungle Blues

Sweet Peter
Hyena Stomp
State and Madison
Bert wWlliams
Creepy Feeling
Spanish Swat
The Pearls
Honky Tonk Music
The Crave
Moster Joe
King Porter Stomp
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