Piano gefällt mir Band 3 für Klavier Ringbindung

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Informationen zu "Piano gefällt mir Band 3 für Klavier Ringbindung"

Verlag: Bosworth Edition
Verlagsnummer: BOE7706
EAN: 9783865438164
ISBN: 978-3-86543-816-4


Piano Gefällt Mir! 3 includes 50 popular songs, arranged for easy piano. This
songbook includes the hits 'Girl On Fire', 'Beneath Your Beautiful' and
'Hometown Glory', as well as several songs from film and television.

Heumann, Hans-Günter, arr.

50 Chart- und Film-Hits
Von Pink bis Lord of the Rings

Just give me a Reason
I knew you were Trouble
How to safe a Life
Wrecking Ball
Dreaming of Bag End
Hometown Glory
Wake me up
Main Theme from Games of Thrones
Close Cover
Love me again
The Ballad of Love
More than Words
She's got that Light
Gangnam Style
Castle of Glass
Altes Fieber
Clair de Lune
We are young
Skinny Love
Jenseits der Stille
Ho hey
Girl on Fire
Applaus Applaus
The Artist
I will wait
Hope dies last
Einmal um die Welt
Read all about it
Get lucky
Beneath your Beautiful
Let her go
Crying in the Rain
Everything at once
Locked out of Heaven
Price Tag
The Heart asks Pleasure first
I see you
Moon River
Candle in the wind
Indigo Girl
Into the West
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