Hymns with a Touch of Jazz for piano

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Informationen zu "Hymns with a Touch of Jazz for piano"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00311249
EAN: 9780634073830
ISBN: 978-0-634-07383-0


The Philip Keveren Series
15 traditional Hymns arranged in Jazz Style
Come Thou Fount of every Blessing
Come Thou long-expected Jesus
Fairest Lord Jesus
God will take Care of You
I love to tell the Story
I've got Peace like a River
Jesus is all the World to me
Jesus the very Thought of Thee
Just a closer Walk to Thee
Praise to the Lord the almighty
Saviour like a Shepherd lead us
Softly and tenderly
Stand up stand up for Jesus
This is my Father's World
What a Friend we have in Jesus
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Hymns with a Touch of Jazz for pianoHymns with a Touch of Jazz for piano