Great Piano Solos - the black Book

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Informationen zu "Great Piano Solos - the black Book"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: AM970167R
EAN: 9781846093890
ISBN: 978-1-8460-9389-0


A wonderful variety of well-known showtunes, jazz

And blues classics, film themes, great standards a

Adagio for strings op.11 (Barber)

Air on the g string from suite no.3 in d (Bach)

Clair de lune (Debussy)

Für Elise (Beethoven)

Morning from peer gynt (Grieg)
Pie Jesu from requiem op.48 (Faure)
Pelude in e minor op.28 no.4 (Chopin)
Rondo alla turca from piano sonata no.11 (Mozart)
American beauty
Beginning of the partnership
Crouching tiger hidden dragon
Eternal vow
Feather theme
For the love of a princess
Lara's theme
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