Essential Standards (+CD): for trombone (bass clef)

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Informationen zu "Essential Standards (+CD): for trombone (bass clef)"

Verlag: Santorella Publications Ltd.
Verlagsnummer: SANTS284WCD
EAN: 9781585604777
ISBN: 978-1-585-60477-7


Robbins, Jonathon, ed
Jazz Songbook
Broadway & Dance, Jazz, Popular Standards
Alexander's Ragtime Band
I want a Girl
Hot Time in the old Town tonight
For me and my Gal
Chinatown my Chinatown
My melancholy Baby
Little brown Jug
You made me love you
Moonlight Bay
Bill Bailey (Won't you please com home)
Rock-a-bye your Baby (With a Dixie Melody)
St. Louis Blues
After you've gone
Oh you beautiful Doll
When the Saints go marching in
A pretty Girl is like a Melody
There'll be some Changes made
Baby Face
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