Great Songs from Musicals (+CD): for trombone/euphonium (bass + treble clef)

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Informationen zu "Great Songs from Musicals (+CD): for trombone/euphonium (bass + treble clef)"

Verlag: De Haske (Deutschland)
Verlagsnummer: DHP1002157-400
EAN: 9789043110747
ISBN: 978-90-431-1074-7


Sweet charity :

Big spender

Aspects of love :

Love changes everything

My fair lady :

With a little bit of luck

I could have danced all night
A chorus line :
Fiddler on the roof :
If I were a rich man
The blues brothers :
Shake your tail feather
The phantom of the opera :
All I ask of you
Wishing you were somehow here again
Joseph and the amazing technicolor :
Any dream will go
Campbell, Don, arr.
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