Jazz Solos (+CD): for alto saxophone Guest Spot Playalong

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Informationen zu "Jazz Solos (+CD): for alto saxophone Guest Spot Playalong"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM979627
EAN: 9781844494491
ISBN: 978-1-8444-9449-1


All blues (Miles Davis)
All the things you are (Gerry Mulligan)
Corcovado (Quiet nights of quiet stars)
Quiet nights of quiet stars (Stan Getz)
In walked bud (Thelonious Monk)
In a sentimental mood (John Shearing)
Lullaby of birdland (George Shearing)
My favourite things (John Coltrane)
Oleo (Sonny Rollins)
The Sidewinder (Lee Morgan)
The way you look tonight (Jimmy McGriff)
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