The Lord of the Rings (+Online Audio) for trumpet

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Informationen zu "The Lord of the Rings (+Online Audio) for trumpet"

Verlag: Alfred Music Publishing GmbH
Verlagsnummer: IFM0408CD
EAN: 9780757923258
ISBN: 978-0-7579-2325-8


The Fellowship of the Ring
The Prophecy
In Dreams
Concerning Hobbits
Many Meetings
The black Rider
Gollum's Song
Forth Eorlingas
Into the West
Steward of Gondor

Herr der Ringe

Music from all three films arranged for wind instruments. Desirable and
collectible, these instrumental folios are loaded with black-and-white photos
of scenes from all three films. They are printed on top-quality antique paper
stock, and the covers showcase the new "trilogy" artwork. The wind instrument
books are completely compatible with each other and can be played together or
as solos. Each book contains a carefully edited part that is appropriate for
the Level 2-3 player and a fully orchestrated accompaniment recording. Each
theme on the recording is presented as a "demo" track (which features that
particular instrument) and as a "play-along" track without the solo
instrument. A separate piano accompaniment book with audio is available for
the wind series. The instrumental solo part, in concert pitch, is added above
the piano part. The recording features live demonstration performances of
various instrument tracks from the series.
This title is available in SmartMusic.
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