AM1009624 The complete Ukulele Player (+Download Card):

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Informationen zu "AM1009624 The complete Ukulele Player (+Download Card):"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: AM1009624
EAN: 9781783057399
ISBN: 978-1-7830-5739-9


Instruction with famous and popular Tunes
Ain't No Sunshine (Withers, Bill)
Blowin' In The Wind (Dylan, Bob)
Blueberry Hill (Domino, Fats)
Brown Eyed Girl (Morrison, Van)
Crazy (Cline, Patsy)
(Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay (Redding, Otis)
Don't Think Twice It's Alright (Dylan, Bob)
Hey, Soul Sister (Train)
I Shot The Sheriff (Marley, Bob)
Jambalaya (On The Bayou) (Williams, Hank)
Love Me Do (Beatles, The)
Mull Of Kintyre (Wings)
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) (Beatles, The)
Redemption Song (Marley, Bob)
Stand By Me (King, Ben E.)
Walk On The Wild Side (Reed, Lou)
Yesterday (Beatles, The)
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