Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30

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Informationen zu "Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30"

Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00843023
EAN: 9780634068522
ISBN: 978-0-634-06852-2


Jazz Playalong vol.30
10 Blues Favorites
Basin Street Blues
D Natural Blues
Everyday I have the Blues
Happy go lucky local
Sonnymoon for two
The Swingin' Shepherd Blues
Take the Coltrane
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Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30Blues' Best (+CD): for Bb, Eb and C instruments jazz playalong vol.30