Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117
von Antonio Carlos Jobim

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Informationen zu "Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117"

Komponist/Autor: Antonio Carlos Jobim
Verlag: Hal Leonard
Verlagsnummer: HL00843166
EAN: 9781423484318
ISBN: 978-1-423-48431-8


10 classic Favorites
Águas de Marco (Waters of March)
If You ever come to me (Inutil paisagem)
Look to the Sky
O grande amor
O morro nao tem vez (Favela) (Somewhere in the Hills)
Outra vez
She's a Carioca
Someone to light up my Life (Se todos fossem iguais a voce)
Vivo Sonhando (Dreamer)
Retrato em branco e petro
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Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117Antonio Carlos Jobim - More Hits (+CD): for Bb, Eb, C and bass clef instruments Jazz Playalong vol.117

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