More Songs: for harmonica

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Informationen zu "More Songs: for harmonica"

Verlag: Mel Bay Publications
Verlagsnummer: MB94426
EAN: 9781562220006
ISBN: 978-1-562-22000-6


Bay, William, ed
America the beautiful
The British Grenadiers
The Caissons
Comin' through the Rye
Everybody loves Saturday Night
Eyes of Texas
Father's Whiskers
For he's a jolly good Fellow
Give me Oil in my Lamp
Gpoin' down the Road feelin' bad
Hey Lolly
I know where I'm goin'
The Keeper
Lolly too dum
Marine's Hymn
The Mulligan Guard
My Home's across the Smokey Mountains
Once there were three Fisherman
Praise him in the Morning
Putting on the Style
Railroad Bill
Raise a Ruckus tonight
Rise and shine
Rock of Ages
Swanee River
Ten thousand Miles
This little Light of Mine
The Wearin' of the Green
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