100 Plus Solo for violin

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Informationen zu "100 Plus Solo for violin"

Verlag: Music Sales
Verlagsnummer: AM91868
EAN: 9780711939806
ISBN: 978-0-7119-3980-6


A night in Tunisia
Against all odds
All the things you are
An old fashinoed love song
As time goes by
Blowin in the wind
Blue Rondo a la turk
Bye bye love
Candle in the wind
Can't help lovin dat man
Don't cry for me Argentina
Eleanor Rigby
Endless love
Feel like making love
Forever young
From the new World
Funny how time slips away
Für Elise
Hey Jude
How deep is your love
I belive in you
I don't know how to love him
I dreamed a dream
I know him so well
I'll be your baby tonight
I'll never fall in love again
I'm beginning to see the light
I'm stone in love with you
If my friends could see me now
If not for you
If you leave me now
It don't mean a thing
It's possible
It's over
Jesu Joy of Man's desiring
Just like a woman
La Donna é Mobile
Land of hope and glory
Lay Lady Lay
Let's put it all together
Love is blue
Love's roundabout
Luck be a lady
Lullaby of Birdland
Memories are made of this
Missing you
More than I can say
My kind of girl
O for the wings of a dove
Ol man river
On a slow boat to china
One note samba
Round midnight
satin doll
Send in the clowns
September Morn
Seventy six Trombones
Sit down you're rocking the boat
Slighty out of tune
Smoke gets in your eyes
So nice
Softly whispering I love you
Somethings gotten hold of my heart
Standing on the corner
Strangers in the night
Swan lake
Take five
Take the 'A' train
That ole devil called love
The first time ever I saw your face
The girl from Ipanema
The lady in red
The mighty Quinn
The very thought of you
The wind beneath my wings
There I've said it again
These folish things
This Guy's in love with you
Till then
Till there was you
To all the girls I've loved before
Toreador's song
Try a little Tenderness
Unchained Melody
Until its time for you to go
We don't talk anymore
William tell overture
Wonderful tonight
Your song
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