Jaco, The Film DVD

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Informationen zu "Jaco, The Film DVD"

Verlag: Music Sales Limited
Verlagsnummer: HUDJP1002
EAN: 0635963765545


Iron Horse Entertainment
There are few musicians who fundamentally change their instrument, and even
fewer still who transcend their instrument altogether. Jaco Pastorius did
both. Produced by Metallicas Robert Trujillo in association with Passion
Pictures, JACO includes some incredible insights from an array of artists
including Flea, Joni Mitchell, Sting, Wayne Shorter, Herbie Hancock, Geddy
Lee, Bootsy Collins, Carlos Santana and others as well as Jacos family, and
friends. It unveils the story of his music, his life, his demise, and
ultimately the fragility of great artistic genius.
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